Anaïs Duplan // Decolonizing Your Creative Voice
Language carries violence— particularly in the ways we have been socialized to communicate and relate to one another, operating within a language that was used to colonize many of us out of our communal, holistic, and expansive ways of being. How do writers, coming from all professions, challenge ourselves to develop an ethic in the teaching, construction, and connotation of the language we use? This workshop will ask participants to identify their own ethics and values, interrogating how they do or do not align with dominant social ideals, in order to more mindfully approach their work and loosen any tendencies to adhere to convention. Through various reflective exercises, questions, and group discussions, this workshop will help writers create a sense of authenticity and groundedness in their work.
10-12 PT / 11-1 MT / 12-2 CT / 1-3 ET
*For sliding scale, pay with Venmo (QR code found in registration form).
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NOTE: You will receive
an email notification including Zoom link in advance of the class.