This gathering will connect storytellers with their deeper senses through a Diné (Navajo) framework of "bił nani'eeł," which can be understood in four phases connected to rain. As a community, we will think through various aspects of our tellings and what our telling practice/experience can teach us about being five-fingered earth surface beings (i.e. humans). In k'é (kinship), we will consider many questions like: what does it mean to listen? How does the natural world, and our more-than-human relatives, influence our telling practice/experience?
SUNDAY 10/22 // 6-8PM (MT)
scholarships available: email vocationalpoetics@gmail.com
In this workshop, we will look at examples of energetic, engorged, fervent, and audacious syntax, consulting some literary theories of the sentence along the way. We will examine these sentences for their various multiplicities and anticipations, considering how many temporalities, attitudes, and points of view one might dare to contain. Please bring a short piece of in-progress writing (of any genre) so that you may experiment with pushing the boundaries of your own slutty syntax.
SUNDAY 11/12 // 6-8PM (MT)
scholarships available: email vocationalpoetics@gmail.com
In this class, we’ll explore the temporal possibilities of sick bodies as a way of rereading, rethinking, re-feeling, and hopefully remaking our environments toward more livable futures. What knowledges, strategies, or sick moves does being untimely, disorderly, arrhythmic, broke-down, out-of-joint, latent, or feverish offer us? What possible worlds and futures are opened up by untimeliness in the past and present? In the first half of class, we’ll read and discuss prose and poetry featuring sick, untimely bodies and consider what possibilities they open up for our work. In the second half of class, we’ll engage in a somatic exercise* intended to get us out of time and into an improvisation with what is untimely to discover new temporal pathways for being present with our bodies, each other, and our work.
*an exercise that is easy, low-stakes, and playful and can be performed by any/all bodies, regardless of movement capacity
SUNDAY 12/10 // 6-8PM (MT)
scholarships available: email vocationalpoetics@gmail.com
Do you want to facilitate creative writing workshops that mitigate the harms of structural violence? Learn and practice anti-racist, decolonialist, anti-ableist, feminist, and trauma-informed approaches to creative writing workshop facilitation. The class will introduce frameworks; the workshop will allow participants to test and reflect on best pedagogical practices for their potential audiences.
Sunday 9/17 (12-2pm MT) – class
Wednesday 9/20 (6-7:30pm MT) – workshop
*Register for the whole series: $200-350
Need a grant to fund your community-based and artistic labor? Want to learn grant writing but don't know where to begin? Learn with the support of a group environment and with a rich resource-guide for finding and applying for grants. Together we'll demystify the genre and clarify the process, with examples of successful grants and fresh insights from recipients. In the workshop, participants will work together on the grant writing process after selecting 1-2 grants appropriate to their project.
Sunday 9/24 (12-2pm MT) – class
Wednesday 9/27 (6-7:30pm MT) – workshop
Register for the whole series: $200-350
scholarships available: email vocationalpoetics@gmail.com
Interested in teaching community-engaged creative writing classes? Whether you have institutional teaching experience or are actively engaged in community-engaged settings, in this class we'll learn how to create a class whose structures serve desired community-engaged outcomes through intention, receptivity, and flexibility. Participants will have the opportunity to create their own syllabus for a specific community audience, applying knowledge of scope, scaffolding, and pacing, with particular focus on audience needs, gifts, and strengths. In the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to informally workshop and build their syllabus in-progress.
Sunday 10/1 (12-2pm MT) – class
Wednesday 10/4 (6-7:30pm MT) – workshop
Register for the whole series: $200-350
scholarships available: email vocationalpoetics@gmail.com
sliding scale guidance
The actual cost of this course is $40.
We are offering tiered sliding scale pricing (sliding scale language adopted from
ET Shipley).
Consider paying lower on the sliding scale if you:
-have children or other dependents
-have unstable or inconsistent housing
-are unemployed, underemployed or underpaid
-have medical expenses not covered by insurance
-have limited access to higher education
-hold a racial identity or immigration status often targeted by the state
-qualify for public assistance
Consider paying higher on the sliding scale if you:
-have personal savings, investments or retirement accounts
-own the home you live in
-have a regular paycheck
-have access to financial security or inheritance
-have economic privilege or power in our community
-have a degree from an accredited institution
-are at low risk for state interventions due to race, class and ability
-have access to private legal aid if necessary
-work part-time or for yourself by choice